Posts Tagged ‘Sickness’

Time stood still. Last year, for a period of nine months or so, time stood still for me. It also moved. At times, I can vaguely recall a few instances during the said period. But mostly, it is a blank. It is as if I was in one long comma from which I woke up after 9 months, or someone took a chunk of my memories, and I can’t recover them.

Normally, when I write, the kaheadline is the last thing that goes on the article.  I drag my typing through the pages till the story makes some semblance of sense. Then, based on what inspired it, and the general direction of the story, I cook up a topic, just when I am about to publish. Not for this one. This time, the kaheadline came first. I had been toying about writing about last year; something, anything, when it all glared at me from the screen of my computer. I was watching Californication, and there, in one of the titles of the episodes was a summation of my last year, or life; Comings and Goings. (more…)